Every year, all over the world, people celebrate Christmas and traditionally cook numerous festive dishes according to traditional recipes.
Cooking and Condiments
Cooking and Food Recipes
Cooking is one of the main elements of human life; a person simply cannot do without cooking. Since people always had to eat, over time, cooking has become the art of cooking so that it tastes good, is good for the human body, and just looks beautiful. All this has been achieved by many centuries of cooking, and, depending on the region of human habitation, has led to various culinary traditions based on the food base, climate, religious beliefs, or even simply the culinary preferences of certain peoples living in different countries and regions. At first, food was prepared so that a person could simply survive, and culinary delights were available only to rich people, but as agriculture and animal husbandry increased in efficiency, most people became able to cook various dishes according to various recipes from different products.
Cooking Recipes
At the time of the origin of culinary traditions, recipes were simple and unpretentious, the housewives passed them from mouth to mouth, without thinking about improving or systematizing culinary knowledge. With the improvement of cooking, there was a need to store and systematize culinary recipes - this is how the first records of cooking recipes appeared, and then the first cookbooks. When there was a massive demand for information about the preparation of various recipes, and as the media improved, culinary recipes began to appear in periodicals, on radio and television. The advent of the Internet has turned the world of cooking upside down, like many other areas of human activity - numerous culinary sites began to appear, offering a wide variety of recipes for cooking. The specialization of culinary sites could be very diverse - from exotic dishes to home cooking, from culinary delights to various diets. At first, culinary sites offered texts of recipes for dishes, then recipes with photos appeared that illustrated the finished dish, and later step-by-step recipes for cooking dishes began to appear, in which photos illustrated the entire process of preparing a dish, allowing even novice cooks to master it. The pinnacle of the development of culinary sites was the appearance of video recipes for dishes that fully show how to cook a particular dish, leaving no chance for error even for inept chefs.
National Cuisines and their Traditions
Since different regions of human habitation are very different in many respects, a whole system of national cuisines has been formed in the world, inherent in certain peoples. The basis of any national cuisine, of course, are those or other products that are available in the region and that can be used for cooking. Depending on the climate, various technologies of heat treatment of food were used for cooking - from open fire to ovens of a rather complex design. All these factors were superimposed by the religious traditions of various countries and peoples - among the Jews, cooking was regulated by kashrut and had very serious restrictions on products and their preparation, among Muslims, cooking is subject to halal, which also imposes various restrictions on cooking and eating different products. At the same time, for example, in Chinese cuisine and the national cuisines of many other countries of Southeast Asia, almost everything that lives or grows in nature can be eaten. In the national cuisines of Europe, preference is given to meat dishes made from beef and pork, but such national cuisines as Japanese, Greek, Italian and many others, which appeared in countries located on the coast of the seas and oceans, include numerous dishes prepared from sea fish and seafood.
Spices and Seasonings
Spices and seasonings are something without which cooking cannot be imagined, not a single recipe for cooking can be imagined without the use of spices and seasonings. Moreover, most recipes for dishes include not one spice, but several at once, in addition, seasonings are used to prepare many dishes, which themselves consist of several, sometimes dozens of spices. The use of spices has completely changed the approach to cooking, as a result of which cooking has made a qualitative leap forward and the culinary art itself has emerged. At the dawn of the development of cooking, the first spices and seasonings were literally worth their weight in gold and were available only to the very rich. It was spices and seasonings that made it possible to give seemingly ordinary food products a unique taste and aroma, as a result of which today we have such a variety of cooking recipes. And every year the need for seasonings and spices does not decrease, but vice versa - they become a very popular product, and the mass production of spices made it possible to significantly reduce their price and make them available to a wide range of culinary specialists.